Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Perils of Growing Older

I had a blog going for a couple of years, and it was good therapy for me.  I received some interesting comments, most of which were complimentary.  I deleted the others.  When I initially started with nothing but a idea, I had no idea just how EASY it was to set up a blog that could be read by anyone on Earth with access to the internet.  So, I had my wife help me set it up.  We used one of her email addresses, and a password that I could remember. At least for a couple of years, anyway.  After being "on the web" for a couple of years, I figured that maybe I could add my own email to the administration of the blog.  So, I set everything up, only to find that I needed to "allow" the sharing of administration by authority granted by the original "owner".  Simple, I'd just log in on the old account and give myself permission to add the new one.  That's where the trouble started. 

Let me break in for just a minute here.  I am only 57 years old (okay, my 58th is this weekend).  But I'm not (you know,) 'THAT' old yet.

I should have had no trouble remembering how to log in using the old account.  Except I suddenly went BLANK.  I could not remember the password.  Over the course of a few months, I occasionally remembered what it MIGHT be, and also remembered that I had associated the old account with one that I had set up just for the blog and junk mail.  Now all of a sudden I had THREE user login email addresses, with any number of possible passwords (okay, I wrote down all the passwords on a piece of paper, and there were eight that I have used, and "rotated" when I had to).  What seemed simple at first had mushroomed into a possible 84 combinations!  So I sat by the wayside and stewed.  I had things to say!  And no way to say it!  <light bulb> Hey, I'll just create a new blog, go into the old one, cut and paste into the new one!  Okay, I got the copy/paste done, but I had to reload my Office suite so I could use Word.  Only one problem, I have exceeded the number of installations on my license.  WHAT!?  I uninstalled it when I got my new computer!  After two months of dragging my feet, I finally got my Office "authorized" to use again.  Now, it's just too much trouble to copy the old one  into this new one, where Fighter Pilots Still Do It Better.  Maybe in time, I'll get it moved over.  After I've rested, maybe. 

Anyway, if you would like background and want to read the original, please visit the site above.  Then come back here.  I have the login written down.  Three different places. (I just hope I remember where they are).

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