Thursday, November 8, 2012

I can't believe I have to repeat myself, but. . .

Okay, the 2012 election was a couple of days ago.  I couldn't wait for it to finally get here.  Because I wanted a "change"?  No.  Because I was sick and tired of all the campaign BS on virtually all levels.  I enjoy Facebook, it gives me a chance to "track down" old friends and maybe catch up on what's been happening in their lives over the last 20 to 40 years.  However, some of my friends seem to think that by inundating the social media with propaganda either for their candidate or, more often, against the "opponent", they could "sway" my opinion.  Rather than step on their toes, or hurt their feelings, or maybe even jeopardize our friendship, I did not respond to any commentary regarding the campaigns, until the elections were over and done with, and then, I pretty much expressed my preferences to the public.  That was two days ago.  I figured that yesterday would be the 'wind-down' and there would be a few hangers-on that would either gloat over "their" victory, or complain that "they" lost; I was prepared for that and was ready to accept it.  But now, it is MY TURN to get on my soapbox and say, once and for all:

GET OVER IT.  GET ON WITH YOUR LIFE!  Quit blaming one side or the other for your own failures.  Can't get a job that pays what you need to make?  It's called entry-level.  Very few people manage to get their dream job on the first try.  Are you a member of the "older" work force?  Mad because nobody respects your years and years of short-term employments?  Again, if you are 50 or older, you are certainly entitled to a job, and there is one out there for you (and this is important) IF YOU QUALIFY.  Don't expect that because you are the oldest worker that you are also the smartest or best worker.  I know, there are people that will say ,"but there are no jobs that I qualify for".  You should have thought about that when you started your working career many years ago.  Now, I just turned 58 last month, and the longest job I ever held was for 5 1/2 years.  But except for two times, I always had another job to go to when I quit.  Once, I was out of work for 6 weeks.  The other time I was unemployed for about 9 months, but during that period I also found little side jobs that would last for a couple of weeks, maybe a little more.  It helped me to stretch my unemployement benefits out long enough to find a permanent job.  That was in 1988, and I haven't been unemployed since then.  And remember, I have never been at one place for more than 66 months.  That's a lot of jobs, and also, a lot of experience and learning.  I consider myself to be one of the most qualified persons for the job I have now.  Because of my extensive (and widely varied) experience in manufacturing and fabrication, I can analyze blueprints for ease of use, ease of assembly, and clarity.  Blueprints are not pictures or drawings, they are a means of communicating ideas and instructions to those that use them.  Anyway, on with my rant.
I DON"T CARE if you want to leave the country.  Hell, I'll hold the door open for ya.  But it won't be as easy as you might think.  Getting into Canada is not as easy as you might think.  And I think it is the chicken way out.  What the citizens of this country need to do is to UNITE behind their leader and guide him.  Let me say, like I did four years ago, "my guy" didn't win this time either.  I really wanted him to.  But he didn't.  He, unfortunately, is not my President.  But even HE pledged support and guidance to the President in his concession speech.  Sure, he may end up the proverbial "thorn in his side", but at least he will offer constructive criticism.  Not whining and crying and bitching and moaning.  The World Will End, someday.  But I don't think it is going to be this President's fault.  Maybe he is just the fulfillment of an ancient prophesy.   If he had not won, somebody else like him probably would have.  So here again, with no reluctance, I pledge my support to the President of the United States as long as he remains in office.  I may not like what he does, I may not even like him personally.  In my other blog, I always tried to relate my topics to my father.  So here goes:  How long would our country remain strong if our military said, "I didn't vote for him, I don't have to defend the country.  I don't have to do my job." Dad served under Republicans and Democrats and NEVER shirked his duty. Thirty or forty years ago, a large percentage of our military personnel were draftees.  Possibly people inducted against their wishes.  BUT, they still did their damned job!  Now, we have a volunteer military.  And they are still doing their damned jobs.  No matter who won the election.  Grow up.  Pull up your big-boy or big-girl pants and quit complaining.  Because, although you may feel that "the squeaky wheel gets the grease", in this case I think "an empty can makes the most noise" is more appropriate. May God bless America.  We need it.

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